Friday, December 31, 2010

Round or Long Knifty Knitter Looms - Which is Better?

I'll admit, I am partial to the round looms. Why? Knitting on them flows better. When working a circular piece of knit, you never have to stop and work back the other way across the loom. You just continue knitting in a counter-clockwise motion until it's finished. No awkward edges to work around as with the long looms.

If you are working a flat piece of knit, you can still use a round loom. Just leave an opening between two pegs and work back and forth. The knitting will still be smoother than knitting with a long loom, because you don't have to work around the corners of the loom.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Knifty Knitter Stitches

If you are new to loom knitting you will want to be sure to check out
How to Make Knifty Knitter Stitches

It explains all the stitches that can be made from a knifty knitter loom, including the purl stitch. It also gives step by step instructions for how to make the stitches.

You can make anything with a simple purl stitch, however, some other stitches are often incorporated into large projects, like a blanket, because they help them go faster and add a little variation.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The knit and purl on the knifty knitter loom

When I began knitting on a knifty knitter, I had no instructions, so I sat down and made up what I called the "No wrap stitch." It is basically the purl stitch, as done on the Knifty Knitter loom. But, I didn't know that at the time. There are really two methods to making the purl stitch on the Knifty Knitter. One involves pulling the yarn up through the existing loop on the loom. You can see that method here: "How to Purl Stitch on the Knifty Knitter Loom." The second method involves lifting the loop over the loose yarn, so it doesn't need to be pulled through the existing loop. See "How to Make No Wrap Stitches," for instructions on using this method to purl stitch on the Knifty Knitter loom.

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