Sunday, December 15, 2013

How to Knit a Pot Holder / Hot Pad on a Knifty Knitter Loom

This is a good first project for new loom knitters, because it is quick and easy. It will help to enforce the basic steps of loom knitting. The pot holders also make nice gifts. The pattern uses the no wrap (flat stockinette) stitch knitted as a spiral continuously around the pink loom. This spiral knitting creates a tube of knit. Before you remove the knit from the loom, pull the bottom up and sew through the loops to sew it closed.

What you'll need:
  • Pink long Knifty Knitter loom
  • 1 skein multi-color medium weight yarn
  • yarn needle
  • Knifty Knitter hook
  • Crochet hook
  1. E wrap around the loom once.
  2. Working in a continuous spiral around the loom, knit 40 rows using the no wrap stitch.
  3. Reach down through the middle of the loom and pull up the bottom. Using a yarn needle and spare yarn, sew the bottom together. Push the bottom back into the loom.
  4. Cast off using the crochet cast off by following the path of the yarn.
  5. Using a crochet hook, crochet the top of the pot holder together using a slip stitch, or single crochet stitch.
  6. When you are finished, chain a small loop for hanging the pot holder.
Typically, I prefer yarns made from natural fibers, but this is one project that I would definitely recommend yarn from a synthetic fiber, such as polyester, or acrylic. Natural fibers "breathe" and conduct heat more readily. Synthetic fibers are better at blocking the heat and keeping it away from your hands and table tops.

The Great Big Monster Blanket that Took Me Months to Loom - DONE!

This blanket was a gift for one of my boys that is a KU fan. I knitted each of the super long panels in the photo above using the fashion stitch on the blue long loom. This is how I did it:

  1. Cast on to the blue long loom with the 8 wrap holding 2 medium weight strands of yarn as one. Below is a photo of the eight wrap. It is not the blue loom you are currently using, but it is an example of how to do the cast on.
  2. Knit 400 rows per panel using the fashion stitch. Below is my video of the fashion stitch.
  3. Crochet cast off leaving a long tail of working yarn to sew the panels together. Tie the working yarns in a square knot to secure them where the knit ends, but leave them about 10 feet long. Below is my video of the cast off:
  4. Thread the working yarn through a yarn needle and mattress stitch the panels together. Below is my video of the mattress stitch, it is for a different blanket, but the method is the same. Look for the 2 small bars inside each stitch and sew through them: 
  5. Use your favorite ribbon to decorate the blanket.

One-Over-One Stitch on a Loom

One of the first stitches made by new loom knitters is the one-over-one. You simply wrap the loom twice, then use the loom hook to pull the bottom loop over the top loop and off the peg. Wrap the loom again and repeat, always pulling ONE bottom loop over ONE top loop on the peg. Hence the name, "one-over-one." This stitch is also called the ewrap and twisted stockinette stitch.

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