Friday, April 25, 2014

Hooded Scarf

Knifty Knitter Hooded Scarf

1. Using double strands of yarn wrap over to peg 22 and back again.
Hooded Scarf Pattern
2. Knit 235 rows (about 75 inches long) and fold in the middle.

3. Sew with a needle and one strand of yarn from the middle fold along one side 8-1/2 inches to form a hat to go on top of your head. (see diagram)

4. Now wrap the rest of the scarf around your neck.

5. (optional) Using Provo Craft's Pom-Pom Maker cut the fringe (7 inch lengths of yarn folded in half to make 3 inches of fringe) the desired length and add to the ends of the scarf.

Blue Long Loom

Here are more scarf patterns you may like to try:

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