
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Baby Mitts for the Knifty Knitter Flower Loom

Knifty Knitter Baby Mitts
Knifty Knitter Baby Booties and Mitts Pattern

Skill level: Beginner

Step 1: Using one strand of the blue yarn and one strand of the white yarn (holding them together as if they were one strand), wrap the 12 pegs according to the method shown in the Round Loom instructions.

Step 2: Wrap and “knit off” five rows of knitting, using the hook as shown in the Round Loom instructions.
Step 3a: Using the crochet hook, take the loop from the 1st peg and then from the 2nd peg. Knifty Knitter Baby Mitt Instructions
Step 3b: Pull the 2nd loop through the 1st loop and place the loop back on the 2nd peg.
Step 3c: Take the loop from the 3rd peg and then from the 4th peg. Pull the 4th loop through the 3rd loop and place the loop back on the 4th peg.
Step 3d: Continue in this manner until you have taken the 12th loop through the 11th loop and placed the loop on the 12th peg. You will now have 6 loops on the loom.
Step 4: Wrap the loom 2 more times. Now some pegs will have 3 loops and others will have 2 loops. For the pegs that have 3 loops on them, knit the bottom 2 loops over the top loop. For the pegs that have 2 loops on them, knit the bottom loop over the top one, just like normal. When you are finished, there will only be one loop on each peg.

Step 5: Wrap and knit off 9 more rows. Thread the blue yarn needle with one strand of yarn, and sew the yarn through the loops on the pegs (pulling the loops off the pegs as you go). When you have sewn through all the pegs, pull the two ends of the yarn to gather the material and tie them in a tight square knot. (This is the same method you would use to finish a hat on the Round Loom.)

Repeat Steps 1 – 5 to make a mitt for the other hand.

Step 6: You can string a ribbon through the holes in the top of the mitts or, using one strand of yarn, make an I Cord (see directions below) and put a pom-pom on each end to string through the holes.
  • I Cord: Using any 2 pegs on any of the looms, wrap 2 loops on each peg in a figure 8 design. Take the bottom loop over the top loop and over the peg. Continue wrapping in the figure 8 and knitting over. This will form your I Cord.


Provo Craft Tools

  • Knifty Knitter Flower Loom
  • hook
  • blue yarn needle

Other Supplies

  • 1 skein of blue baby yarn
  • 1 skein of white baby yarn

Go to the Pattern for the Booties

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