
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Choosing and Using Knifty Knitter Looms

Knifty Knitter looms are typically sold in sets of four. The long looms are sold together as a set and the round looms are sold together as a set. Each set comes with the Knifty Knitter hook  and a yarn needle. While the looms are typically found in sets at department stores, they can be found for sale individually online at Amazon or Ebay. Knifty knitter looms are quickly becoming popular because they are easy for beginners or children to learn to use.

Long Looms

  • The blue long loom is 22 inches wide. Because this is the longest of all the looms, it is usually used for knitting blankets and afghans.
  • The green long loom is 18 inches wide. This loom is commonly used for making pillows and children's shawls and sweaters.
  • The yellow long loom is 14 inches wide. The yellow long loom is typically used for making children's hats and crafts.
  • The pink long loom is typically used for making crafts and is 10 inches long.
The Knifty Knitter long looms are typically used for knitting blankets, shawls and scarves. To knit flat pieces of work such as a blanket or scarf, one edge of the loom left open. It is possible to knit a hat or a tube knit project on a long loom by knitting around the loom in a circular pattern, but long looms are better suited for flat knits.The size of your finished work determines how many pegs you should knit off. Because you do not have to knit off all the pegs you can use the longest loom to knit virtually anything, because you do not have to knit off all the pegs. The smaller looms do not have enough pegs to make large pieces of work.

Round Looms

  • The yellow loom (11.5 inches wide) is for extra-large adult hats.
  • The green loom (9.5 inches wide) is for adult hats.
  • The red loom (7.5 inches wide) is for knitting children’s hats and scarves.
  • The blue loom (5.5 inches wide) is for baby’s hats, mittens, booties, socks, etc.
The round looms also come in a set of 4 looms of various sizes and lend themselves to knitting hats, socks, slippers, and mittens. The long looms can be used for knitting flat pieces of work by leaving one side of the knit open, rather than knitting circularly, but the loom shape lends itself to tube knitting.

Flower Loom

The flower loom is sold individually and is not included with any set. It is used to create flowers. It includes a Knifty Knitter Hook, a yarn needle, and instructions to knit flowers.


  1. lol , My wife Crochet's baby blankets, its how we make money, and when she started to get to many orders I joined in and learned to Loom in 3 hours... trial and error.... and then in 3 days I had my first Baby blanket done, since then I have been making baby blankets to help her.... and I took the green and blue loom cut the ends off and then attached them together to form a loom that is currently....70 1/2 inches around on the outside of the pegs and a full 3 ft long from end to end... , I hate whip stitching ... so I just did my manly thing and used power tools lol,

  2. Where can I purchase the long looms?

    1. There are currently some for sale on Amazon, but I don't expect them to last long!!!
